Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Liberty Park

While in Salt Lake I took Jet, my dad's dog, for a romp at Liberty Park, which is a lovely green space in the middle of the city. When I lived in SLC my house was only a few blocks away, so I walked here often. It's also where Charlie and I were married.

She was extremely keen to greet these lovelies. Nearly pulled my arm out of the socket trying to get to them.

Most of the photos I took that day were blurred or skewed because I was shooting one handed and had a frantic dog yanking my other arm every which way, but there were a few clear ones :)

Hard to believe that only one block away the commerce of a big city is booming, eh?


  1. it looks pretty, is that snow on the mountains?

  2. There was a little snow on the tippy tops, but nothing on the roads. The very best kind of snow.
